ALT Scar is lower than expected, as stealth how can I own my scar without being paranoid about someone clocking me?
My scar is about 4 inches above my knee and overall visible when sitting down in shorts. I could go for longer shorts, but I’m already short and not trying to look shorter.
I’d like to own my scar if it comes up in conversation, I’m just not sure how. Things aren’t really visible until I’m sitting down then my STG graft / drain hole peaks out and if my shorts go any higher then my donor site is visible. My donor site is a year old so it’s pretty pink, while my STG are more obvious and will be only 4 months old when I go to this school so not quite faded.
I’m going to an all boys school abroad in a few months where no one will know I’m trans and I’ll be living with 2-3 other guys. I’m sure my scar will at some point become a talking point and I don’t want to give them the none of your business thing since I’ll be trying to make friends and don’t wanna shut them out.
I can’t think of anything other than how I recently went on a trip where I rode motorcycles out of the country and have thought about saying “it was a motorcycle accident that happened recently and don’t wanna talk about it.” I get paranoid about being asked about it though, possibly by someone well verse in the medical field asking where my donor site went to / what hospital I went to out of the country, etc. I know that’s just paranoia, but I’d really love some advice on interacting with other people my age who may asked about it
I find myself always checking the scar to make sure it’s not visible / pulling down my shorts after sitting incase I’m around people I know. I’ll wear pants if I want it to be a 0% risk even if it’s hot
I did have one old stranger ask me and after I said skin graft, he didn’t ask any further. I just feel like if I make friends it’s gonna come up at some point and I wanna be completely prepared. I also don’t want to care about people seeing my scar or getting OCD about my shorts riding high.
I was recently on a tour where the topic of scars came up and the group leader encouraged everyone to show each other their scars and it became a competition for the coolest stories / biggest scars. So badly I wanted to show my thigh, but I got so anxious and felt like I was gonna puke. It felt like I’d be outing myself which is the last thing I want, but at the same time I do think the scar is bad ass, but also hesitate that it’s not a “normal” scar and will freak people out who see it