What is Perths most feral night club in 2025?

That crown of thorns was surely worn by Rapeture, even just judging by the vibe and the crowd the few times I was dragged there not the scandal with their scum management… however it finally closed its doors a few months ago

Henry summer ( gone as well ) had a nice set up but was the place I had the most trouble.. literally every time I was there some shitstain would try to throw fists with me, even at my work Christmas party when I was just minding my own business

The lookout is another good venue ruined by a shit crowd

Paramount is known as the catchment basin for anyone who’s barred from other clubs but strangely enough I’ve never had any trouble there, but I haven’t been in years to be fair

Bootylicious and any RnB / hip hop type clubs or events seem always to attract hothead losers with short fuses so you’re always slightly on edge which makes it pretty impossible to have fun… Edison late night bar seems to be an exception though

There’s some vile shit up in Hillary’s and Joondalup too if I remember right

The reason I’m asking is because I’ve got a mate from Melb visiting for the first time and he thinks Perth is filthy while I’ve been telling him it’s not as bad as he thinks, so I wanted to take him to the filthiest club and act like it’s one of our finest venues.

Bonus question: on the flipside what are some underrated clubs or events that actually have a fun and friendly atmosphere?