Wife and I have about $90K liquid. What would you do in my shoes in this market?
Have $90K in a HYSA is obviously not ideal but there are a multitude of reasons (job volatility, bought and sold a condo, just had our first kid) we've played it very conservative over the past year and focused on building up our savings. For reference we have more than double in various investments, not including real estate.
In this current volatile market what would you do? Hold in a HYSA and keep raking in about $220 a month in interest? Invest in CD's? Mutual Funds? Say screw it and buy crypto?
For reference, we're both employed in our early 30's with a kid in a relatively high cost of living city. No debt outside of mortgage.
EDIT: getting a lot of great comments which I appreciate, to add some more context we have a 529 we opened for the kid but only have about 2K in currently. I'm already leaning towards keeping 60K in the HYSA for emergency funds, which gives me 30K+ (if we keep our jobs, which feels safe at the moment but you never know) to really move around.