The game "Expeditions" chrashes after pressing "Enter" at the titel screen. Help!

So as the titel says, Exprditions crashes when I pres enter at the titel screen, it just darkens/fades out. I just bought it, so it hasn't worked for before. I've had task manager open on the second monitor, it says the application isn't responding one second after pressing enter. I've tried all the guides on the internet, granted there aren't many on the issue. I bought it from Steam and Snow Runner works fine.

So as the titel says, Exprditions crashes when I pres enter at the titel screen, it just darkens/fades out. I just bought it, so it hasn't worked for before. I've had task manager open on the second monitor, it says the application isn't responding one second after pressing enter. I've tried all the guides on the internet, granted there aren't many on the issue. I bought it from Steam and Snow Runner works fine.