Please please please ensure you check to see if oven cleaner was used when you move into a new home

I lost both my babies tonight. I used my oven for the first time 2 months after moving into my new condo. I had no idea oven cleaner was even a thing. I’ve had Tiko for 20 years and Emi 3. It happened so fast. I thought maybe Tiko died of old age but he was fine all day and so playful and spirited I just couldn’t believe it. It’s likely he would’ve lives close to 10 more years. I took him to get cremated and when I returned Emi started swaying and looked like she was going to fall to the bottom of her cage. I knew then something horrible happened. I rushed Emi to the vet where they put her in an oxygen cage and gave her a shot but she passed not long after. The vet asked me if they’d been exposed to anything and I knew I hadn’t used any chemicals at all. Then I thought maybe a gas leak or maybe the oven had a gas leak. I said it was the first time using my oven and she said it had to be oven cleaner that the previous owner used before she left. She asked if I could smell chemicals…. I have anosmia. I can’t smell anything ever. Maybe if someone else was here they could’ve smelled it but maybe it still would have been too late. It feels like my heart has been ripped from my chest. They both deserved longer loving lives. We had a wonderful day together full of scritches and kisses and I just never saw this coming. IF YOU MOVE INTO A NEW HOME WITH YOUR BIRDS CHECK RO MAKE SURE OVEN CLEANER WAS NOT USED AND DO NOT USE IT. Protect your babies.