Do shit pregnancy partners turn into good dads?

I’m currently 10w+3d and even though my partner wanted to start trying for babies, since being pregnant he really has been quite horrible. He has no empathy that I’m tired and don’t always have the energy to do the housework. He’s been picking up some of the housework but will be sure to make me feel shit about it. He’s been ultra stressed about things at work so I try to be patient but the last 2 weeks I’ve been pretty hormonal too. We’ve been at each other throats it’s like we don’t even like each other anymore. I’ve felt less hormonal the past couple of days and felt happier so I thought things would improve but no, he’s said some really nasty things tonight because I forgot to make some beans with his dinner and “his chips are going to be cold, it’s such a simple thing I can’t even manage”.

Never been physically abusive and he’s normally a pretty chill guy. I’m now worrying about how he will be when they are here. Any positive stories?