I thought i got the call I had been waiting for today... an spot opening in a residential facility next month. I said yes and then once I got the name I started to do research and now I'm terrified. Has anyone had any experience with the village in Tennessee run through the acadia group? The reviews are horrendous and I'm going to make phone calls tomorrow about what I found and see what's going on before I completely pull the plug, but I probably will and that sucks because then we have to wait longer. But the idea of my kid being somewhere that doesn't have indoor plumbing or running water in all the buildings where the kids are meant to live seems like a giant red flag and then the endless reviews of abuse and being worse than when they wrnt it is just absolutely gut wrenching and terrifying.
I spoke to the irp worker yesterday, she said she was unaware of the reviews because this was a place that just got added to the approved facility list recently, so she did some digging and said that she completely agrees that if my gut is saying this isn't the right place that I shouldn't send my son there.
She also said that she forwarded my email to her boss because they can request a surprise inspection to see if they want to keep them on the approved list for irp in illinois, as well as made a dcfs report. I did not truly expect this reaction and was surprised I really thought that I might be over reacting.
I looked them up on every review website I could think of and it was consistent reviews not just from patients but parents and ex employees as well. That's what really made me question it because if the staff are leaving and making reports due to the things they saw and refused to be apart of then maybe it's not all hog wash?
It sucks we'll have to wait longer for placement but right now he's staying with the neighbor and doing ok, still struggling but being out away from family seems to be helping for now. So we'll ride it out and hopefully can get placement soonish.