Gene Hackman’s death
Infrequently, someone will inquire about who will care for the my husband and I in our dotage since we have no children. We are “Plan for the worst & hope for the best” types and we have recently moved from the farm to a town home all on one level and more easily accessible to services.
We have no children. We are not parents.
I do hear a certain amount of venting about children from our friends who are parents and grandparents. Kids who don’t call, hurt feelings and the like. I understand.
I read Gene Hackman had advanced Alzheimer’s. He may have lived in his home for up to a week with the deceased body of his wife before he died. Mr Hackman had grown children. Police were alerted by a maintenance man on the property. The thought of Hackman wandering thru his home alone makes me nauseous. I read he had a son and daughter.
I am now coping better with the lack of responses to emails, gifts for their kids, etc., that I get from our adult nieces and nephews. They are busy and I get that.
IMHO, parent is the most difficult and important job in the world. Mom’s are magnificent.
I suffered over not hearing from family. I realized that having holidays go by without receiving a phone call or card while I continued to send gifts was just purposefully inflicting pain on myself.
Yesterday I read “I choose to let go of the people who already chose to let go of me”. I wish them well and I will love on my memories of them. My time and efforts are best served locally in my community.
PLEASE - I’m interested to read your opinion about if there is a positive way to cope emotionally with this lack of communication & response to mine from my family please.
Thank you for your time.