Way too many people in this city just don't seem to care about how their actions impact everyone else around them.

It just blows my mind how little people in this city seem to care about everyone around them. I know this is going to be a rant, but it is massive impacting our quality of life and makes me question if living in this city is a mistake.

We moved out of our apartment due to a combination of noise, cigarette smoke, and pests. Our LL was completely and utterly useless. Our building was supposed to be smoke free and yet the people below us chain smoked, LL would keep talking to them but eventually told us they cannot stop them from doing that, we would open our windows and all we would smell is our neighbors chain smoking below us. Above us we had some guy who disturbed everyone around him while he blasted his excessively loud music, he did not care. He lost his shit at me and my SO when we tried to talk to him about it, multiple people made numerous complaints against him and bylaw ticketed him one really bad night, and he decided to harass everyone around him. Even more irritating is apparently there was a hoarder on our floor who caused an outbreak of bedbugs not once but twice in 3 months by brining in random furniture people would toss.

We couldn't afford a detached home so we bought a town home. To the right of us we have renters who are having screaming arguments almost nightly. Lately during the day idk if their kid is skipping school but we regularly hear him screaming racial obscenities' in whatever video game. We tried to talk to them but were told to mind our own business. Even more funny we had family over last weekend, and played some board games around 9pm they started pounding on our door demanding we stop our "party". Then proceeded to scream at each other later that night.

On the other side of us we have some audiophile who was great at first we were friends, but then he dropped 10k on a sound system that causes our walls to shake from the bass. When we told him he told us more or less to go fuck ourselves, its not his problem. Its the fault of the builders. He went from super nice neighbour to basically we are horrible people trying to deprive him of his one true joy.

Now we have some asshole across from us, who just pulls his fucking harley out of the garage revs it a couple of times a day for shits and giggles? Then puts it back. I have never seen this asshole actually ride his motorcycle, he just sits on it and revs it in his driveway like he thinks anyone is fucking impressed.

It is 3am and we cannot sleep because the people next to us are again having a screaming argument, "bitch this", "cunt this", "bastard that". It just dumbfounds me how little people seem to give a shit about the other people around them.