At a loss, recurrent obstructive symptoms
Hey all,
30 y/o ostomate here. Background: UC 10+ years ago, failed 3-stage jpouch, and diverting loop ileostomy in 2023 that gave me my life back for an amazing 6 months in 2024. Then, in mid-2024, I began having recurring prolonged partial obstruction “episodes”.
I’ve had regular partial obstructions many times before these began in 2024, with the regular ones clearing in a day or two, and responding to gradually resuming normal diet from clear liquids. Now, 6-months+ post-op from ileostomy surgery, I began having these episodes beginning with an obstruction, but with prolonged symptoms of mild nausea + intermittent abdominal pain hours after eating food. These have lasted days, to now weeks, almost every month since, and have really compromised my quality of life and work.
My GI initially thought adhesions given my history of multiple prior abdominal surgery, and 1 MRI showing some temporary weirdness, but exploratory surgery 2 months ago found nothing. For 2 months post-op, was blissfully back to normal and now I am having another prolonged obstructive episode, have lost all the weight I gained back since surgery while on a clear-to-full liquid diet, and am sad and frustrated.
My GI doc is referring me to a motility specialist, but the wait is going to do me little good with my current episode. Has anyone experienced anything similar - ie prolonged partial obstructive episodes lasting weeks - or other motility issues specifically after ileo surgery?
Thanks so much to anyone that reads this.