Weight lifting after open surgery/midline incision

Hey all,

When I last inquired about weight lifting with an ostomy, it was very helpful, and I come again with another post-surgery weight lifting question.

Last year I had a laparoscopic surgery to create a loop ileostomy due to failed jpouch, was an avid weight lifter in the gym prior, and eventually was able to resume my hobby a few months after surgery with success, utilizing a support belt.

This month I unfortunately had to undergo urgent open (non-laparoscopic) abdominal surgery for the first time, leaving me with a mid-line incision a few inches above and below my belly button. Thankfully my ostomy was not manipulated during this surgery, and I am otherwise healthy. I was hoping to hear from other weight lifters/active folks out there whom have experienced open surgery, and were able to safely resume their sport? And if applicable, what was your reintroduction to the gym like?

My surgeon says I can resume after 8 weeks, but recovering from this surgery at week 3 is a lot harder than my last one.