The hysteria surrounding Emilia Perez now

I watched it some months ago and actually I thought it was a 4/10.. I saw qualities in it, but it just don't resonated too much, some scenes are great ("El Mal" for an example is awesome)... now internet seems to be declaring it the worst film ever and I'm confused.. what happened???

A friend of mine who gave it a 8/10 changed his rating to 4/10... a film influencer of my country who loved it at Cannes now is attacking it... a lot of scenes going viral and some scenes are just... normal scenes lol people really hate musicals

Internet sometimes can be awful to movies.. but I believe you have to keep your opinion, even if you get attacked and you stay alone

I remember I saw "Joker Folie a Deux" and also didn't liked it but I thought it had interesting ideas and also a very brave concept... internet did the same with it for a while... treated it like the worst movie ever

I feel movie discussion is getting flattened now because of internet.. people start to be afraid to tell their opinions by fear of being judged or attacked..

I feel lucky I didn't liked Emilia Perez because now it's not like I have to explain myself