Past Matters! Guys Learn your Lesson before it's too late. Stop Ignoring things. Learn to Walk away.

Past Matters!
These Randy Ortons loves suking Dik of BF & Wallet of Husband.
If she's Available that easily to other Men, then why you specifically have to go extra mile by Marrying her while her Ex didn't needed to?

I went for a loan to a bank. They started checking my past. My past behavior. Despite me telling them that I have become much more financially stable now, it couldn't convince them. Why? Because they think, that if I did it in past, there's higher chances that I'll do it again.

A convict released from jail, after 20 years. His rewarded for his good behavior in jail. Yet nobody gives him a house in rent to live. Why? Because of the past, if he has done such n such in past, he might repeat in when threatened.

Even Companies looks at your Past before hiring you for a year or two. & here your Wife if going to get Full Access of all of your & your Family's Income, Property & Status.
Why shouldn't you be bothered about her Past ?
What's a Non-V.gin can bring to the Table that a V.gin Girl can't ??


  1. Once A Woman told "How can you guys even expect us to stay V.gin with Relationship, we are having BF to do BF GF thing not to play gilli danda." So consider, Relationship = X.
  2. Never Marry a woman even with "just Past". If she's Available that easily to others then why you specifically have to go extra mile by Marrying her while her Ex didn't needed to.
  3. Mandatorily Hire a Pvt. Detective before Marriage to get her details from her School, College, Workplace, Neighborhood & Social Media. (If needed let the Bride side pay for Marriage Exp. for their Hypergamy, U Invest that Money in Pvt Detective. After marriage you'll automatically end up spending 100x of it on her. So no need to feel Guilty now)

Source: Dainik Bhaskar