I wish I could get sterilized

I've being trying to get my tubes tied since I turned 18. I always knew I didn't want kids. I'm exhausted of more than a decade fighting stupid doctors with ridiculous excuses and hearing different versions of "you'll change your mind". Got married and my partner got a vasectomy in less than 3 months. 3 months it's all it took for them...

I've being thinking of even legally changing my sex (I'm non binary) just cause the last time it slipped out in a consult (I never disclaim this with doctors cause I don't wanna deal with transphobia) and for the first time in years the Dr gave me a name. And it filled me with so much fury. Why does someone has to be something other than a woman to be listened to and taking serious, specially with not wanting kids?

I know I technically don't need to anymore, but at this point it feels like a vendetta. My revenge to this system will be to make myself sterile.