Parent of a HS student… Please give me some advice

Hi, I’m a parent of a high school student and they’re enrolled in a pre college high school. During the freshman year, they took an intro to college course and failed. This made it possible to not taking college courses along with other kids in the sophomore year. As a parent I understand the consequences of the failed class.

Now it’s junior year and they’re still not allowed to take college courses stating the child is not mature enough but they’re doing really well in their courses not getting anything below a 90, passing regents and I have not received any notice or calls from the schools claiming any kind of behavior problems.

I’m asking for advice on what actions to take because although my child is on track for high school, they’re basically bored and depressed at home because their junior class schedule only has 3 courses while all their friends are being challenged academically by taking college courses.

After speaking with the school, my child won’t be taking courses until SENIOR YEAR and I was told for my child to look for a job.

Should I continue battling this with their schools or should I transfer them into a different school.