Level Caps and How They Trivialize Difficulty

Prefacing this by saying that this discussion is geared towards base game Nuzlockes, not difficulty hacks.

Something I've been thinking about on and off through the years is how the inclusion of level caps in Nuzlockes have indirectly made them easier. A bit of contradiction at first glance, I know, but if you think about it beyond the surface, it makes sense.

Take any boss fight, let's say Platinum's third gym battle, Fantina, who has a comfortable Level Cap of 26. In the years of old, during the infant stages of the Nuzlocke challenge, people would face her with the team they had, no real preparation beyond passively accruing new team members who might assist in the fight along the way, and would go in with a mismatch of Levels. Maybe you would have a Pokemon or two that was efficient in the fight be slightly above the Level cap, but in most cases, the remainder of the team back in this era of Nuzlocking would be below the Gym Leader's ace.

I preface this because the introduction of Level Caps over the past better half of a decade has made it so that Nuzlockers grind their entire teams of 6 to the cap, sometimes even edging the experience points so that they level up beyond the cap in the middle of the fight. When you enter that same Fantina fight with a team of 6 Level 26 Pokemon, the battle becomes significantly easier compared to runs that don't enforce level caps. The desire to optimize within the boundaries of the level caps have inadvertently stepped over the act of trying to make a run harder. This becomes very apparent, imo, when it comes to Elite Four battles - almost every Nuzlocke I see, whether it be on Youtube or otherwise, grinds to the Champion's level cap, making it so that you're a significant gap over the early stage Elite Four members. Not only will you breeze past the challenges of the E4, but the EXP you will gain by the progression of the fights will leave you above the Champion. There's also moments say, HGSS Clair, where I feel like part of the challenge is the fact that she should be towering over a normal player's levels, but people just ignore the intent of the experience gap and just grind to her Level anyway (and complain about it the entire grind).

When you combine this factor, along with the usage of Held Items (especially Choice ones, which I'm surprised more people don't outright ban entirely) and set up moves, I think that the gradual optimization of the average Nuzlocke have made the games too easy. The widely accepted level cap [of the boss monster's ace] should be reconsidered, maybe adjusted to the boss monster's weakest Level. Everyone can do whatever they like in a Nuzlocke, that's the beauty of it, but I think it's interesting that the very system that we implemented to make the game harder for ourselves has caused most runs to be easier on average.

EDIT: I'm not saying we should level past the level caps. I'm saying that grinding lower leveled mons to the level cap is making Nuzlockes easier.