Why doesn't almost everyone want to watch porn anymore?
Ok porn has many negative sides for example men are obsessed with the size of the penis (fortunately not me, I like my penis as it is), I tell the guys the size of the penis doesn't matter, what matters above all is knowing the female body and its erogenous zones therefore need complicity, harmony, dialogue (don't be ashamed to express your sexual fantasies to your girls, talk to her about what she likes most, in short, talk without shame) and do very long foreplay and don't be selfish you must always think about your girlfriend's pleasure! Porn also has beneficial effects there are many videos that talk about sexual education and above all they talk about how to know the female body there are really interesting videos and then it is thanks to porn that it was discovered that women can squirt but it is never said because it is still a taboo! So porn has some positives!