What do you feel like we as human being are supposed to be doing ?

I reached the plateau that everyone speaks about you know reaching real contentment. I have a house a car a decent amount of money saved etc.

Now I’m in a gray area there really isn’t much to do as a living creature and yeah yeah I know what you guys are gonna say. Get a hobby or a girlfriend or travel and I’ve done all of these things now what? I’m stuck here asking these philosophical questions because I don’t really see a reason to keep going.

Everything that we do as people becomes monotonous and repetitive it has no real value or reward. You could making a billion dollars see the world and have the most beautiful woman ever and still come to the realization that life is meaningless.

I understand why rich people kill themselves poor people have an illusion that money will save them so they spend their lives trying to acquire as much as possible and they don’t have time to think about the reality of the hellscape we navigate. But once you get there you realize it’s the same shit different toilet. Most of us are gonna age and die horrible slow deaths

Does anyone agree with me or am I crazy ? Please let me here your thoughts and perspectives