Tesla Protest - Route 22
Just wanted to share my experience at today’s “Tesla Takedown” protest in front of the Tesla showroom/gallery/dealership on Route 22 in Springfield.
I had some of the same thoughts/questions that I saw in posts & comments on Reddit and elsewhere over the past few days: with Route 22 being such an insanely busy highway, where will we stand, will the cops harass us, etc - but they turned out to be unfounded.
Everybody stood on the grass near the curb in front of the Tesla building and extending about 50-60 yards down the road in both directions, which I’m pretty sure is a legal place to protest (it’s likely considered a right-of-way or “public square”, especially since there’s a NJ Transit bus stop there; if there was a sidewalk it would unquestionably be legal, so while I’m not 100% sure of the laws regarding public vs private property if there’s no sidewalk I’m fairly confident that the same rules apply). Nobody was blocking the entrances or exits, standing on or blocking the highway, interfering with the operation of the business or yelling at/harassing customers or employees, so I don’t think there was much the cops or the company could do about it.
Cops were there, but they hung out with the Tesla employees near the front of the building and stayed away from the crowd the whole time, with two exceptions: they pulled someone off to the side to discuss a private matter (we recorded just in case), and they had to tell some idiot to keep driving who stopped her car in the middle of the highway to yell out her window and argue with us about whether or not Musk is a Nazi, lol.
Lots of enthusiasm! The turnout was EXCELLENT - easily 200 to 300 people, maybe more like 400+ at peak but I didn’t walk the line and count so I could be off by a bit. No negativity, no violence, no trouble or disturbances. I was really happy to see more than a few people brought American Flags, too, since I’ve long been of the opinion that we need to “take the flag back” from those who have co-opted it.
Feedback from the people driving by was overwhelmingly positive; drivers were constantly honking horns, raising fists, giving thumbs up, yelling “Fuck Musk”/“Fuck Trump”/etc. Very few negative reactions from motorists - there were maybe 20 or 25 people that gave the finger or yelled something shitty over the entire course of the afternoon. One woman hurled insults while her toddler in the back seat flipped the bird, which was unsurprising but pretty funny given the cross and praying hands stickers on her rear window.
Just a very positive afternoon overall. It was so great to see Americans of all stripes & political affiliations stand together in solidarity against the unpatriotic & un-American bullshit this Administration is trying to shove down our throats. It wasn’t just “angry liberals” in attendance: I spoke with one person who said they were a lifelong Republican voter who just couldn’t stomach the things that are being done right now.
Such an inspiring and uplifting experience. Can’t wait for the next one!