How do breastfeeding mums get anything done

I EBF my 10 week old son.

And it feels like he feeds all the time. Even if he isn't feeding, being on the boob is the only thing that soothes him when he fusses and lately he's been fussing a lot.

I can't get anything done!

I cant cook, clean, do laundry. I can't even really shower.

I asked my husband if we could give him a bottle this evening so that I could take a bath without being interrupted after 10 minutes to feed LO and he just got so frustrated with me saying that we agreed I'd EBF and mothers have been doing this since the end of time and I'm just being selfish wanting time to myself.

It doesnt feel like cluster feeding. My son just likes being on the boob and snacking. Its constant. Its felt like the last week has just been me on the sofa binge watching TV whilst I feed him.

I mentioned it to the doctor and they said its all normal. He's 75th centile for weight. He's 10 weeks and over 13lbs so he's not little!

I'm just so done with it. I dont want to formula feed or bottle feed ideally. But I just need a break.