Not gaining weight.

My little one was born at 37 weeks, we took him home then he wasn't eating as much. He lost 15% of his weight, he had jaundice and an infection. He is now 12 days.

He got put on IV and antibiotics he has so many different tests done. He wasn't responsive. We where kept in for 5 days he is doing better got his weight up. He was on fuilds for 3 and half days. Was weight at 2.8kg then he got weight today again 2 days after leaving the hospital he has lost weight now at 2.5kg he has been breastfeeding from what we thought well and had the odd top up on formula.

He has been peeing pooing plenty. He from what i thiught was eating plently.So was shocked at the weight lose.

I am depending going onto forluma to make sure he is getting enough as I am struggling to pump. Midwifes saying to keep trying breast feeding and top up on formula.

I am considering moving onto to formula as I just want to make sure he is definitely eating.

Had anyone got any tips or advice

Edit Thank you for everyone who commented and gave advice. Little man is doing so much better now he is back up to birth weight. Jaundice is going. Can't even begin to say how happy we are. Once gain thank you. 🥰❤️🥰💙