Nobody told me newborns were so funny!

Although I had and have a hell of a stressful time, with the baby's father being too overwhelmed and in a constant bad mood and not enough support network for us, I found one very surprising aspect of acquiring a now 7 week old. They can be surprisingly funny!

From his one clear word for food he said from day one, very politely to the GIANT farts, Opinions about facial expression of the parents and favorite songs and a distinct pooping face. And, whether convenient for us or not, impeccable comedic timing of poop fountains and peeing on the table. Or falling asleep mid tantrum, just to wake up and resume later like someone who just remembered they have an unsent draft of a rant on social media and goes to work on it.

Yesterday I tried giving him a paci into his hands and into his mouth. He held on to the pacifier, took it out and continued to systematically eat his fingers and the paci handle while holding on.

He wildly cried "LA!" at me, stopped, unscrunched his face and said "La" in a very polite way, as if he caught himself 😂

The first video I have of him is laughing, raising his legs and farting, all with perfect timing and looking at the camera like a pro.

I sometimes joke he's the reincarnation of a great comedian.

Please, share some stories about funny things your newborn does! Does the humor of it all also help you get through the worst times? Do you have any particular things to try with the slowly awakening new human?