Mister Organ on Netflix is one helluva WTF documentary
"Michael Organ is a black hole and I've fallen in." - David Farrier
"How can the same shit happen to the same guy twice?" - John McClane
I first became aware of New Zealand journalist David Farrier's work with the documentary Tickled (2016). That was one of the most insane examples of "the truth is stranger than fiction" I've ever seen. So imagine right after that film debuted that the journalist found himself submerged in an equally insane situation. I purposefully went into Mister Organ (2022) with zero knowledge of the events and I think that it is best seen that way. No horror film this year will scare you more than this. I know it is a bit of a cheat when giving a recommendation, but that is all I can really say without spoiling anything. Worth a watch if you enjoy out there docs. For the spoiler curious... The doc starts with Farrier doing an investigative piece on an antique business that was illegally clamping cars that parked on their lot after hours and extorting car owners for hundreds of dollars. Farrier does some digging on the people who own the place and is soon investigating the "clamper" Michael Organ and discovers a truly bizarre backstory on this man. As he digs further, he gets sucked into a stranger and stranger web.
PS: Farrier also had the Dark Tourist series on Netflix, which was a lot of fun.