Salary implications of this trade another huge advantage for the Lakers

The salary savings from avoiding the super max should have been counted as another asset in this trade, and makes the trade even more bewildering.

Luka was set for 5 yr. $345M (aka $69M). Now the Lakers max extension will be 4 yr. $229M (aka $57.25M). This is massive with the new CBA, an extra $12M of cap space with the new second apron is a literal team changer.

Imo, the savings alone should have been worth multiple 1sts by itself. That $12M translates to a potentially elite role player or being able to avoid entering second apron.

The compensation the Mavs got for this trade makes no sense, when you combine the facts that your giving away a 25 year old generational talent, saving the other team >$100M, and preventing the other team from having to rebuild. To only get a player on the wrong side of 30 (even though still top 10) and what’s going to end up being a late 1st round draft pick is quite frankly criminal.