Do American/British people really use each other's names in conversations constantly?
Something I often think about when watching American or British tv is that in dialogue people will constantly say each other's names unnecessarily. For example, two people are alone in a room (i.e. no need to specify who they are talking to); "What do want for dinner, James?" "I don't know Jan, what about you?" Is this a thing IRL as well?
In my country, Sweden, people pretty much never say each other's names in conversation if not necessary, i.e. to call each other's attention/specify who they are talking to, or in a reproachful way like a parent to a kid. But the way people do it in English speaking shows/movies is super weird to me.
Edit: I forgot to add that this isn't really done in Swedish television much, so although it makes sense to a degree that it's to teach viewers the characters' names, it just stops making sense after a certain number of episodes, seasons, repetitions of the names et.c.