Mon Liberation Army (MLA) & Spring UAV Force G3 claimed a drone attack on March 9 at the Gyaing - Kawkareik Bridge opening in Kyondoe. Funded by Japanese ODA under JICA’s East-West Economic Corridor Project to boost local and international trade, the bridge links Myawaddy with Kayin and Mon capitals
The bridge is a part of series of the construction of East-West Economic Corridor. JICA/ Japan will construct three international standard bridges, namely, Gyine-Zarthapyin Bridge, Atran Bridge and this Gyine-Kawkareik bridge. For those three bridges construction, JICA extended Concessional Loan, total amount of 33.869 billion Japanese Yen- where physically improve bottlenecks on the East West Economic Corridor.
East West Economic Corridor is one of the strategic corridors since 35% of GDP comes from this corridor and around 28% of population are living there. It also contributes to the smooth border trade with Thailand, which is the second largest export and third largest import country for Myanmar in 2018. As Myanmar government identified this corridor as priority corridor in the National Transport Master Plan, East West Economic Corridor contributes to keeping up the growing of both freight and passenger traffic demands for the future.