It seems the Tat once again won

OK. I know I will get downvoted like hell but:

- PDFs made no significant progress ins months. Activitity seems lowest ever since 2021 or am I wrong???

- MNDAA stopped fighting, TNLA has announced they want a peace agreement

- KNLA/KNU look like they don`t do anything

- junta conscription seems to result in new meat for them to close the gaps

- China finally played their card and came out in full support of MAL and pressure resistance to stop fighting

- Russia makes progress in Ukraine and with Trump coming into office it seems likely Putin will get a favorable deal, some sort of solution like in North Korea with a DMZ or something

On the other hand:

- KIA made progress along the Chinese border, AA might be able to finally capture the last police battalion in Maungdaw, take over Ann, Gwa and Toungup

I went from being sure MAL will not survive 2025 to not seeing how the Tat will be defeated anytime soon ... so depressing.