Perfect or dang-near perfect trilogies
What do you think the best trilogies in cinema history are? My top trilogies would be:
Toy Story 1-3 (I know there are 4 but I'm talking Andy's story as I've never seen 4 because 3 ended perfectly). I grew up with Andy and was going to college when he was, so Toy Story 3 hit especially hard. Pixar is just a freaking behemoth when it comes to animated films. They honestly might be the most consistent studio in terms of quality for their films.
How to Train Your Dragon are the best movies DreamWorks has put out, and that includes Shrek. HTTYD might have some of the best music I've heard in animated film since Land Before Time (James Horner made some INCREDIBLE music for that film).
Back to the Future is perfect and I love it. I'm also very happy that the original director holds the rights and refuses to let Hollywood remake them. Good on you, sir.
Lord of the Rings. No explanation necessary lol. In my opinion, the greatest films ever made in Hollywood.