I love Mysterious Skin (2004), but I think the scenes these children acted out were blatantly unethical.

I haven't really seen any discussion about this movie in regards to the ethics of child acting. I think they definitely pushed these kids too far. Inappropriate physical contact is by far the worst one I think (coach putting his finger on Neil's tongue and lips.) Also just having this kids make orgasm faces for masturbation scenes too. I think that's very dangerous to put out into the world because of potential creeps but I also wouldn't be surprised if a lot of this made these kids uncomfortable. I was sexually assaulted at 13 and I'm very passionate about protecting children. Children are chronically treated older than they should be (and simultaneously younger in a humiliating way) than they actually are. A lot of things that seem small to adults may affect them deeply. There's even ethical debate if children should stay in horror movies. Loved this movie but hated the stuff they had kids do. Anyone agree?