In-app phone check

I made a post on the weekend how I had a call from Monzo where I could not check this was a call from Monzo via the app, rather the agent dropped the call as it could not be proven until I passed security questioning. My post was removed by mods.

I followed up with Monzo via email and they confirmed this was a valid call from Monzo and followed up how it could be confirmed via the app 🤦

Again, I'm disappointed with how Monzo has tackled my problem. Firstly, I struggled to find help via help system and struggled to see how talk to someone. Secondly, once I found a method I was asked via email I was asked for a photo of myself with my passport to be sent via email. Lastly, the phone call felt like scam and they couldn't prove this!

We're more than week in and I'm no closer to solving my initial query where a cheque to a closed bank which was processed after 3 months after it was deposited is stuck in limbo.