[Drawing Thread #61] T’is to the holiday season, for 2020’s days are numbered! This subreddit will be picking the last winner of the year, and we’re hoping you can participate to give someone cash. Just comment to enter, and you could win this spot. Here’s to making 2021 a better one!

2020. Here’s to the end! Make sure this gets upvoted, as there is a correlation between more participants and the donations a winner receives!

Comments have been collected at 6:30 UTC.


It’s been a hell of a year. From the impeachment that took place to a currently ongoing election in Georgia (the state), from the missile strike on a foreign leader to the rise of civil rights protests, from the deaths of people that have inspired to those close that we’ve lost, in more ways than one, from the graduates that never got to say goodbye to their friends to the people who are about to lose their homes, this year has been long.

But like all good things, so too will this year come to an end. Whether or not we’ve grown, learned, or changed, we’ve survived, at least this far. There’s a light at the end of this tunnel, after so long, but it’ll be here. As a matter of fact, I’m looking forward to it. I missed exploring without having to worry for my life and the ones around me, seeing faces and getting to interact with them, getting to play, eat, and celebrate all the wonders of life. I hope I’m not the only one.

This Christmas season, we’re conducting one final [Drawing Thread] of the year, and I hope you’ve been looking forward to it. Since we’re anticipating a lot of new people here, make sure you have read the rules that follow to qualify for the subreddit. The premise of this subreddit is that, if a million people donate to a single person, we can make a millionaire! Now, we haven’t had a million people, but perhaps today can be a first!

Also, welcome to anyone and everyone joining in from /r/popular! While this event is done monthly, the most activity consistently takes place throughout the holiday season! If this is your first time and you’ve been around Reddit for at least a month, you’re eligible to enter, just make sure you read up on the rules below! For the record, this isn’t a lottery. Entry is free, the winner is funded publicly by the entire community, and the selection process uses blockchain, making it random but verifiable to anyone investigating. This also means we’re always guaranteed to make a winner, that the odds are only as big as the number of people participating, and it could even be you! Anyway, if you decide, make sure you stick around for our monthly threads!

In Case You Missed It:

• This is done every month, we will be doing this again starting with January for our 62nd Drawing and the first [Drawing Thread] of 2021! If you would like to be reminded, set a calendar reminder for January 15 at 6 PM ET, or click here to be reminded through the RemindMe bot via PM!

• I will add a Dropbox text file with all of the dates for 2021 in the upcoming hours. As of now, every [Drawing Thread] is scheduled for the third Friday of each month at 23:00 UTC (6 PM ET).

• Our last winner, /u/umerabrar89, is currently accepting donations! An international winner with some hiccups throughout the process, /u/umerabrar89 is an expecting father that loves fast food and occasional games. Proceeds have gone to medical bills and hopefully a mortgage. If you would like to contribute, donate here!

• The /r/millionairemakersmeta discussion thread is up! This is for users who have any questions to the moderators, or for those wanting to commentate on the environment here. If you have any comments or concerns, click here to head over to the post at the subreddit!


  • REQUIRED: Leave only one (1) top level comment in response to this thread! Click here for a visual example! (Replying to other comments is permitted but will not qualify you. You must be at least thirty days old to comment.)

  • A random user who commented will be chosen, and everyone donates a dollar to make a millionaire.

  • November 18 at 6:00 PM ET (epoch timestamp: 1605740400) is the cutoff for accounts. If you have created your account after this point, you are not eligible to enter and your submission will be disqualified automatically.

  • If you'd like to be reminded to donate to the winner through PM via the RemindMeBot, click here! You can also be reminded by commenting in the thread: "RemindMe! 3 days Donation for /r/millionairemakers".


  • Depending on the circumstances of the post, the [Drawing Thread] and [Drawing] deadlines will be pushed back by 12 hours for each thread in the event each thread must be prematurely locked (this means if the thread reaches a cap of 100,000 comments). As of now, [Drawing Thread #61] is scheduled to close by Saturday, December 19 at 6:00 PM Eastern Time.

  • Starting with December 20 at 11:00 AM EST, 11:00 PM EST, or December 21 at 11:00 AM EST (epoch timestamps: 1608480000, 1608523200, 1608566400) will begin the process of selecting the winner. At those times, the [Draw] post will be online and start the process of waiting for the blockchain, in order to select the winner randomly and verifiably.

  • Due to the anticipated large turnout of the event, the removal method will be set to “FirstOnly” in expectancy that people unknowingly break the rules. With that being said, please limit yourself to only one top-level comment.

  • The forgiveness period after being announced the winner will be set to one week due to the holidays. While we hope that winners respond as soon as possible, the holiday season often has people muting social media in exchange to being close with family members. With that being said, due to the pandemic this may not be the case.

  • That's it! If you would like to see the extended rules and FAQs, or if you have questions yourself, click here to be redirected to the thread! Additionally, look out for the stickied post at /r/millionairemakersmeta. You are welcome to spread this thread via upvoting, telling friends and family, and sharing on social media!



Next Sunday (whether at 11 AM ET (16 UTC), 11 PM ET (4 UTC), or even Monday), we will be picking our winner, and you won’t want to miss it. The post will be labeled [Draw], and one comment will be selected out of the many made here to make a winner!

Remember, this is about generosity, making an impact, and uniting to make someone's life better. It takes three minutes to donate a bit to the winner, whether you're well off and want to donate a couple bucks, or going through tough times and can only donate a few coins. Every cent makes cents, and counts!

If a lone $1 can get you some nice thoughts for the Christmas season, then imagine the possibilities with $1,000,000. This could very much be someone’s living Christmas miracle!

A million dollars can make someone’s silent night. Spread the word: have your friends and family comment, post the link to your friendly-neighborhood social media network, and share it to anyone interested.

Let’s make a millionaire!