Unused Audio = What MGS: Delta COULD Add

Konami said right at announcement they would be using the original recordings. That means no new audio = no new features. But that doesn't mean they can't utilise old audio that went unused. Today being the 80th anniversary of the "Great Escape" that inspired the movie - I was only going to mention this first thing, but I may as well make the most of it;

There were plans for a 4th escape method from the prison cell; being able to dig a hole/tunnel out, just like Great Escape. If you go through MGS3's audio files, you'll find a reaction from Johnny discovering said hole which he orders to have fixed if he catches you digging/sees it.

Almost every Boss Battle had something that didn't make the cut - one thing of note is that most if not all of them have unused snoring audio, as if an alternate plan was for them not to explode if Stamina Killed.

  • The Pain - Had an extra "Rifle" weapon he could use alongside his Grenade or Tommy Gun attacks, as well as being able to poison Snake with venom somehow.
  • The Fear - Had an extra type of arrow he'd load with a Book, (yes, a Book) evidenced by audio of him telling you to "Read this!" & "Take a look at this!".
  • The End - There's audio of him hunting/taking food, as well as possibly being susceptible to Books.
  • Ocelot Bike Chase - The game's audio files on PS2 are named/listed in a manner close to the order they occur in-game. Ocelot has an entire batch of audio located in a manner that suggests him chasing Snake & EVA during the bike sequence was not always planned to be just cutscenes.
  • Shagohod Chase Sequence - outside of an Ocelot sequence, there was a serious amount of audio that never made the cut --- Snake & EVA would have back & forth banter during the Bike Chase. A leftover of this in the final game is Snake scripted to say "Right" in the first sequence. EVA has a entire catalogue of criticising audio for you having terrible aim, while Snake has an entire catalogue of clapbacks ("what are you, my wife?"). Volgin would also randomly shout within the Shagohod at Snake & EVA as well as his troops to kill them.
  • The Boss - the undignified aiming mechanic during her execution where she'd beg you to kill her or "do it right"... Knowing our luck, this'll be the one thing they do add to Delta.