Why do hot baths make me weak?
Moved into my own home blablabla. It has a bath and i use it exclusively now because i love to relax in it. I have been having itentionally almost scalding hot baths in an attempt to increase my affinity for hot water as my mum and eldest sister seem to have no issue with what essentialy is boiling water raining on their skin.
However, every time i bathe, i last about 5 mins before my blood sugar tanks. And although i can and will stay in it for longer, i eventually get out much sooner than i would like because i desperately need a crap ton of sugar. Im not diabetic as far as i know but this happens regularly. I eat full dinners and bathe afetrwards but my blood sugar drops so low that i feel like i have not eaten in a week.
Is it because my baths are too hot or what?