The Medford 1630 Podcast Press release

To the residents of the now divided but soon-to-be reunified Medford community.

I'm thrilled to announce the bi-monthly Civic Revival Project companion podcast called Medford 1630. Medford 1630 because that was the year Medford was founded as part of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

It's first episode is now available here:

All future shows will be posted on the Internet Archive -


Podcast Overview

The Medford 1630 podcast embodies local solutions journalism, including interviews and multiple perspectives based in Medford, MA, USA. Its hosts Bruce Patterson and Patrick Clerkin cut across bitter rivalry, cynicism and disengagement, seeking to bridge the city's divides during a time of uncertainty and transformation.

Episode 1 Overview

In the inaugural episode of the Medford 1630 podcast, hosts Bruce Patterson and Patrick Clerkin discuss one of the city's most widespread but invisible problems alongside a newly unfolding comprehensive solution.

We also discuss the problem of the void of circulating info feeding disintegration into local media enclaves and identity crises. The solution is the Civic Revival Project now underway to address these, which curious and motivated residents of Medford can join to help build.


Please have a listen, share your thoughts on the r/medfordma and r/civic_revival_project subreddits and pass along this email to other Medford residents.

We value and thank you for your participation.

Patrick Clerkin

Director, Medford Civic Revival Project