How can i make a norleras play on yubel?

Hi, im trying to make yubel deck fun for me (because im not enjoying it too much) and im trying to make a line that can get norleras in gy and phantom of chaos on field consistently.

Im trying to do that via curious sending rainbow trap from crystal beasts to gy for searching yubel field spell and adding phantom of chaos, and after that im using anacondaverte for sending norleras to gy using branded fusion. Im having trouble doing all of this since getting curious on yubel is hard and i have to make anaconda after curious and still summon phantom of chaos. This is nearly impossible when i only open 1 starter and very hard when i have 2.

Does anyone know of any monsters that can help me do this? (although it does not use this strategy or monsters to activate the norleras effect)

This is my current decklist (sry forgot to add rainbow trap):

Thank you so much!