Top 500 With Sera Control
(2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark
(2) Scarlet Witch
(2) Shadow King
(2) U.S. Agent
(2) Maximus
(3) Cassandra Nova
(3) Cosmo
(3) Killmonger
(3) Copycat
(4) Shang-Chi
(4) Enchantress
(5) Sera
To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in MARVEL SNAP.
First off, I apologize for the low res image of the deck. Code is there if you want to build this.
I got this deck from a user about a month ago, I'd love to thank them and give credit if I could remember their name.
I know this isn't a new deck concept in the Snap world, but it works! Since this isn't a turn by turn style deck, I'll give analysis of what each card is best used for, and what matchups are favorable.
Jeff - General drop, ideal on turn 2. Used to get into those off limit locations like sanctum or death's domain
Scarlett Witch - Biggest win con with her is turning off a Limbo from Magik, or preventing flooding from Storm. (That deck took a hit today w/ Storm update) For general use, she can switch unfavorable locations, and take locations away that benefit the opponent.
Shadow King - Right now SK is great. Lots of Hit Monkey, Sage, Cass, Agent Venom buffs running around. Excellent card
US Agent - This card can be used 2 ways. You can play on turn 2 if you have him, or wait until opponent drops a 4+ cost. You get immediate value when you do that of course. Dropping early directs traffic. Now your opponent will avoid big guys in that location, and you have clearer paths for Shadow King or Shang. I love USAgent into an Iron Man lane
Maximus - Strictly here for power. You want to play him turn six as a one cost after Sera. You can play him earlier behind a Cosmo if need be.
Cassandra Nova - Also here for power. This is you ideal turn 3 drop. You don't want to SK her, so her placement is important to avoid that
Cosmo - Good Doggo. Counters basically all decks, but the placement, timing, and priority is key. A good sense of the meta and what your opponent is doing is a must know
Killmonger - Classic one drop oppression. Counters many archetypes I'll cover below
Copycat - This deck doesn't get to snap early due to taking a few turns to figure out opponent's deck. Copycat can allow an early snap if you copy a key card. For example, Darkhawk, Iron Man, Hit Monkey, the list goes on. Good power at 5, and can be played on curve or anytime after depending on her ability
Shang - Here for one use only, eliminate the big guys. I'll be honest, he might be the least played card in the deck, but I'm glad when I do need him. Love to see Shuri's Lab or Nveldir
Enchantress - She has dual use. Negate ongoings and adds decent power. If her ability isn't needed, sometimes 5 in a lane is all I need from her. If I don't sense any ongoing, I'll just play her turn 4 for power
Sera - The all star of the deck! Playing her turn 5 is obviously ideal. Gets more guys out turn 6
This deck is low on power, so it steals cubes instead of earns them. Your snap conditions are having the optimal counter cards to play against certain matchups. Your retreat conditions are the opposite, not having the counter cards you need. For example, you haven't drawn Killmonger against Zoo. You will not overpower many decks so just retreat if you don't have the counter
Here are matchups you may see and ideal counters:
Bounce - Toxin is here with all the lil guys. Play slow, stack one lane to give up priority, and Killmonger turn 6. Shadow King also works well on Toxin and Bishop, Sage, Hit Monkey
Arishem - Cass is your all star on turn 6. Shadow King handles Blob. USAgent works well too against more 4+ costs from Coulson etc. If they Loki, stay! Can't counter you
Zoo - Obviously want to Killmonger turn 6. If they play Caiera, use Enchantress to negate, then Killmonger. I'm looking for both these cards against zoo
Darkhawk - Enchantress time! Shang works too. Well placed/timed Cosmo handles Mystique
Destroy - Cosmo is great. If they get a Deadpool going and you can't stop, give up priority and Killmonger turn 6. Shadow King feasts on Carnage and Venom
Move - Killmonger handles all the Littles like Ghost Spider, Torch, Araña. Shadow King or Shang can handle Vulture. Use Enchantress on Madame Web asap
Storm/Legion/War Machine - This deck took a hit today, but if it sees play, Witch is great for stopping the flood, and Enchantress stops War Machine. Theor win condition is that 3 piece, if you stop it early I often see retreats
Discard - A hard matchup honestly. Red Guardian would be great to slot in as a Dracula counter. Shadow King can undo Scorn buffs. Hard one
Agent Venom - Killmonger works on the littles, and Shadow King can handle all the buffed cards. Enchantress for Iron Man
This is a fantastic deck for low CL, as most of the counter cards are pool 1/2. The main reason I built this is because I'm CL 3200 and don't have a ton of cards or options to be competitive.
I'm here for any questions or discussion. Happy Snapping 😀