Anyonsm honeymoon phase slowly fading away?

110 hours in, got gm, did platinum trophy, loved the game so much after being ow slave for so long.

But the mega hype is slowly fading for me after s1 launch, i see more and more that its just reskinned ow with similiar problems. Stomp or be stomped, i think like only 30% matches are intense. No role Q is bothering me more and more and i used to think its fine, noone ever plays tank.

The fun was when everyone was trying heroes, launch was extremely good, but now all i see is meta even in qp, i dont even remember how iron fist looks like lol. MMR kicked in fully after 1 month, i see same half heroes every game.

And ults are charging too fast, you always have ult and they are almost are op compared to ow, i wish there was more ult management then just spam immortality every one minute.

As ex ow t500 my winrate was obviously high in s0, more then 70%, so yeah, winning is fun, now iam back in 55% winrate life like in ow no matter what i do.

S0 was insane blast and didnt have so much fun in years but its getting downhill fast for me :(.

Anyone who was addicted to S0 but slowly likes the game less and less or its just me?