Thor's kit feels so weird

Playing Thor right now feels like how I envision droids with inhibitor bolts in Star Wars feel

It's mainly the cooldowns. Why is there a cooldown on hammer throw, like, at all? it costs Thorforce and it isn't really that powerful. And why does using my lunge start a cooldown for my throw and vice versa? what is the point?

I also feel like his shift should consume a Thorforce + give you the 100 bonus health if you go through the full charge but not lunge animation instead of just doing nothing, and on that note give him the ability to cancel with a right click

Another complaint is that his e just feels weird. I know its probably balanced the way it is right now but it just feels weird in a way I cant articulate. Not very helpful input I know I'm sorry

This last part is a lot more opinionated, but I think his lunge should take longer to charge, have a minimum charge requirement and go a decent amount farther. Seeing the mighty Thor charge up his hammer only to fly a few meters is very underwhelming. Yes I know this would change his playstyle a lot and maybe make him worse so I don't really expect this to happen, just something I think would be cool