MTG lore is a mess from an outside perspective
Hello Guys, Gals and everything in-between.
I want to start this post with the fact that I know jack about the lore of the game, and up until recently didn't even care.
However a few days ago the trailer for Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty had somehow snuck itself into my recommendations and I was instantly hooked. Now don't get me wrong I don't want to collect cards just yet, however it nontheless made me interested in the universe. And oh boy...
The moment I scratched the surface it turned out that Neo-Japan is just the tip of the Iceberg. So I've started digging and digging and digging and it turns out that the lore of the game is fricking complicated. Dimensional travel, pyrhaxxians, reality chips..... The only thing stuck to me after hours of lore videos is that Planeswalkers are very strong and very important people.
But seriously, the lore is super hard. And this comes from a guy who is a huge Warhammer nerd. Although maybe that's the problem? I mean there are just an obscene amount of 40K Lore content on the internet, and 65% of stuff can be traced back to a handful of key events that can be explained in five or less sentence. Seriously. If you only look up only the major events of the setting, then you've already know enough lore to start participating in casual discussions about it. So why does MTG is lagging behind?
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not suggesting that there isn't any lore in the setting. My problem is that despite the setting having a rich lore, it's coverage is abysmal when compared to other mainstream media.
Sure I can watch an hour long video, but when those videos just casually throw stiluff up like Planeswalkers, reality chips, Pyrhaxxians and other equally confusing stuff without ever explaining it, it becomes a bit tiring.
With Warhammer you at least have a rough timeline of the major events, while MTG feels like this chaoric mess with events playing out in multiple plains of existence with no fixed points.
When I dive into lore, I want to go in deep (like DEEP DEEP), but with Magic I can't even break the surface (which I desperately want).