He has someone new

I’ve deduced that my soon-to-be ex-husband and PA/SA has new girlfriend of 2-3 months. She recently posted this quote on Pinterest: “You were always mine. I just had to find you.” 🤮 It bothers me so much. It’s kinda’ fast for those strong feelings, right?

He hasn’t taken any breaks from pursuing and sleeping with women since he left me. He’s been seeing a CSAT for a year and attending a weekly PA/SA group, last I know. FYI: he left me suddenly 8 months ago when he confessed to another affair only because the AP’s husband was threatening to tell me - the full story is in the oldest post in my history.

He blames me for triggering his first affair, which, then, ignited his sexual compulsivity. I don’t want him to traumatize someone else, but, at the same time, I fear that he’s going to be better to her than me. That would feed my self-blame and feelings of inadequacy, and him finding his “soul mate” would be the most redeeming thing for him for his self-image. It would be the ultimate validation for his choice to leave me. I mean, this can’t go well, right?