Am I unreasonable?

My fiance proposed to me in September before I learned the extent of his porn use after clear boundaries were made.

In December, some truth came to light during one of our therapy sessions. I've been experiencing waves of emotions since then, and I think that's normal. We've had a few talks, some have escalated into fights because he gets so angry, but we've come to some agreements, and he's assured me that he's going to do XYZ differently moving forward.

I've not been withholding sex, I've still been trying to be positive which I'm mostly succeeding at, hiding my struggles with this for fear he'll get angry and tell me I'm living in the past or to get over it, taking porn-like nudes for him, trying to dress better (ie jeans instead of leggings), doing everything I can to be my most attractive, etc., all to make sure he's comfortable, that I'm not robbing him from his peace during the aftermath, and hopefully decrease his urges.

Today, he got a job offer in another state, only about a 4.5 hour drive, for a job he's been working towards for years. I work remotely, so this isn't an issue for me, however, I'm experiencing anxiety for a few reasons.

I brought up to him tonight that before Christmas, I told him that essentially "re-proposing" would be meaningful to me to signify the new relationship we'd have moving forward. His concerns then were "you want me to plan a whole thing again?", "where are we going to tell people we got engaged?", and tonight when he said that this doesn't seem logical and that he doesn't understand how that would change anything, I told him that it would be a meaningful gesture for the new relationship we have, the one I'm fully knowledgeable about, and a commitment to the new future that we'd have that's different than the one we were going to have. Maybe not a new proposal, but a verbal commitment, not made during an argument, that things are going to be different.

This turned into a mess. To him, it's illogical, doesn't change anything, if I want to be with him then why does this matter, why am I suddenly "upset" with him about this when we had a good day, sometimes he just doesn't know what to do, he's just gonna turn down the job offer cause he doesn't want to deal with this, etc.

I feel like I'm really extending myself to try and continue on like nothing's happened/changed, and if I'm going to move to a different state for him, that him doing this small thing that I mentioned before would make me feel more comfortable doing so.

Objectively, am I being stupid? Is this unreasonable? Should I just put the ring back on after we've had the talks we've had and he's been making efforts?