First time watching lost and Im so mad ( spoiler for season 3)

Maybe Im excusing this because Charlie is my favorite character but hello?? This whole show is making me so mad. His character was seriously the best in season 1 and now it seems like they are so focused on the whole "the others" plot that theyre absolutely ruining his character.

I just really don't see him hurting Sun its just so outta character for him. Because wasnt there a scene where a girl is hitting him over and over and he just let her, so how come he attacked Sun just to get back at Locke? It's just not makin any sense to me

And everyone treating him like crap over the heroin and Arron thing is seriously just making me so sad. I already know all the spoilers I know what happens to Charlie but it's just making it all hurt worse lol

Everybody hates Charlie after Fire + Water without even talking to him. Yet all of them excuse all of the awful stuff everyone else has done. I know it is jsut a show but I can't tell if this is just bad writing or if they genuinely wanted to mess with his character like this.

Please someone share their opinion on this I love Charlie so much 😢 and go ahead and spoil and tell me if he gets back to how he was in season 1

Edit: I just finished the whole Desmond epsiode everything is starting to make sense now, in fact cried