Can you recommend a "good looking" distro?
I've been using Mint since like 4 years and I'm getting a little sick of it. I know there probably are some tools and themes to make it look better but whenever I try to configure something myself it just looks even worse than it did before. And right now it's on par with windows xp, looks-wise.
One time I tried to install a skin for gnome-terminal and had to revert back to a timeshift snapshot because it became unreadable.
Edit : Yep, I just installed KDE and it didn't change anything. Except the login screen which looks WAY worse than it did before (why tf does it show an android keyboard on the screen??). Swear to god I'm a linux retard.
Edit2 : just deleted KDE but somehow also deleted cinnamon as well and now my entire desktop is gone. fml