I have been questioning my gender for a long time now, and have more or less settled on Genderqueer. I still go by She/They, though lately I’ve been leaning more towards They/Them because they feel nicer. I have three roommates. They’ve been my best friends for about 3 years now, and my roommates for 2. Two of them AH and L, know that I’m questioning my gender and prefer Genderqueer. They handled it well, just gave me advice and we had a friendly chat about it. My concern is my third roommate AS. She has had a very rough past with men, and is uncomfortable with anyone who identifies as a man, cis or otherwise, because of it. Which is totally valid! After the things she’s gone through, I would be to. Anyway, to the actual question: she has said before she is uncomfortable with men spending the night in our apartment. I’m scared that she would be uncomfortable living with me if I came out to her as Genderqueer. I know she wouldn’t hate me or judge me and would still be my best friend, but I’m scared that she won’t feel comfortable living with me anymore because of my gender. I’m not out to most people about my sexuality at all because of some childhood issues I’m still working through, so I have no problems with never telling her. Or, at least until someday when we won’t be roommates anymore. I guess my question is: should I just bite the bullet and tell her anyway? Because if I have to move because of it, I have nowhere to go expect my parents which I refuse to do.she would have nowhere to go either, and could hypothetically live on her own because she has a good paying job, but I would feel absolutely awful if I made her so uncomfortable she felt like she couldn’t live with me (us) anymore. I feel like I may be painting her as a homophobe, which she’s really not. She’s known im gay since we first met, and she’s never had any sort of issue with it or the LGBT community period. Idk, im rambling haha. What do you all think? Sorry this got so long and probably doesn’t make any sense. It’s also very late right now. I appreciate any advice you can give :)