[Utah] [Provo/Orem/Springville] [offline] [evenings/weekends] let's play some games
I'm just looking to play some games.
I can host at my house. I can come to your house. I can meet you at the Denny's on University. I can DM. I can play. Wanna try your new homebrew zombies in space but everyone is actually robots? I'm game, I'll even bring snacks. Want me to DM a campy Star Wars themed game? Sure, I'm your man.
Let's play GURPS, 3.5, PF, or whatever. I've got time to obsessively learn a new system.
Come to Springville, as long as you shower, bring snacks, and have a positive attitude you're welcome. My wife will make us brownies.
Don't feel lime coming to a stranger's home? Are you in Utah county? I'll come to you.
Evenings/weekends are best.