Non-men replacing 'women' & female?
I just saw a video of a straight women attempting to "pinkpill" her husband & on this episode (I think they have a podcast) she's reading him a list of all the words that will trigger an immediate review of funding for existing grants for research. This list is one from an executive order from Trump during his first week in office.
She shortened the list but here's some of the ones I remembered even though my brain kept interrupting to go "wtf?!!":
Woman/women & under-represented, Trauma, Female/females, Bipoc/ Bipoc people, Biased/biases/bias towards, Diversity/diverse & Black & Latinx
And one of the very first comments I saw after hearing this was "so we have to start calling ourselves & referring to women as "non-men" now?" There were no hateful replies or ppl claiming that comment was hiding hate or being hateful.
That comment made me think of how lesbians were/are expected to call themselves "non-men" when defining our sexuality & then we were called bigoted for not being happy or comfortable with replacing our specific identity as women (cis or trans) & non-binaries with "non-men". Now that straight women are included in that request it seems ppl understand why it's wrong to ask us to do that. While I wish lesbians were allowed to just set boundaries & stand on business all along at this point I'll take what I can get.