My niece's employer has installed cameras in bathrooms to punish people texting on the pooper. Refuses to take them down. Oklahoma

Originally attempted to post on r/antiwork, but it kept being autoremoved by their automod, no idea why.

So my niece (who is 23, I'm in my 30s), lives in the grand state of Oklahoma. I live in Michigan. She called me on Sunday basically crying over how fed up she is with her place of employment. She was punished with reduced pay for "spending too much time in the bathroom" because she was on her period. Her immediate manager is a complete idiot and believes that periods are something that "women make up" in order to have an excuse to "act flippant towards authority". And when she protested the original punishment she was threatened with being terminated if she "didn't learn her place" quickly.

She is working her first job in her career after college. Her mother (my sister) and I are not close, however my niece and I formed a healthy niece-uncle relationship when she moved to go to college as my sister has "gone off the deep end" with substance abuse problems.

First lets talk a bit about the owner of the company. The owner of the company is a hardcore republican, MAGA loving, government hating white supremacist who has made many, many, many comments that he wants back JimCrow era type laws. Is a firm believer in segregation, and that the civil rights movement of the 60's was a mistake. From my understanding, a good friend of his is also the judge in the local county/city court. So owner tends to do shady stuff and believe himself to be untouchable in the community and above the law.

Anyways things at her workplace have hit some lows recently. Toxic management, unsafe work practices, OSHA codes frequently ignored, the whole nine yards of shitty workplace practices going on. Lying to federal and state safety inspectors or hiding information from them. Morale is low, turnover is high.

Apparently management decided that they have a problem with employees spending time in the bathroom to hide from toxic managers, scroll on their phones, and basically spend a third of their shift sitting on the pooper. To combat this they installed cameras in, around, and near bathrooms. Management is regularly monitoring the bathroom cameras and enacting disciplinary action to anyone caught using their phone in the bathrooms, or spending too much time in there.

The owner, who decided they were going to do this with the cameras, was called out in a company town hall meeting by many angry employees who think it's illegal. The owner's response:

"This is MY company. No government or lawyer is going to tell me how to run MY BUSINESS. We will continue to monitor employee bathroom conduct until time-theft via bathroom misuse stops".

A number of employees have quit, but as this company is one of the main employers in the town, a lot of people aren't able to quit so easily and still pay their bills. My niece is one of these people at the moment, but she is looking for a new job.

For the moment I'm not going to name the employer, to protect my niece.

My question to r/legaladvice, is what is the best way to go after this company? My niece is a broke college grad, and I just bought a house recently (bye-bye all my savings), and her mother is out of the picture. So affording a lawyer is a tall ask.

Edit: thanks all for the prompt responses. It’s 5am and I’m reading comments while having breakfast before I go to work. I’m not sure if the bathroom cameras are pointing at the inside of the stalls or the door, but my niece clearly stated they are inside the restroom. I’d imagine it’s unlikely minors are there because my niece has to scan her badge to enter the building. But who knows I could be wrong on that. I’ll call her this evening and suggest start by reaching out to OSHA or the labor board. And look into lawyers who work on contingency or free consultation (I wasn’t aware this was a thing). Also the call the police idea too I’ll suggest to her.