An observation on liberals.

Hi all! Been a bit since I’ve posted here. Have had a lot going on (as I’m sure everyone else has had an .. interesting past couple of months).

So I’m doing grass-roots advocacy and moving through it with a socialist lens. Through it, I’ve noticed a shift in liberals and their ideology—and even tactics—going more toward the left. More liberals in these in-person spaces have been using terms and concepts identified under the wider leftist and socialist umbrella, but haven’t seem to recognize that they originate within leftist theory! Went to a gathering of people identifying that the working class are at a fundamental disadvantage, that the people are the ones that are going to ultimately enact the progressive change we need to see, and are calling the Trump regime what it is: fascist.

I just thought I’d share this because I consider this a huge green flag! I’m working to get the word on mutual aid and sustained civil resistance out there so that more of the public can broaden their horizons on the resistance front. It’s good to see more people coming together. :))