At what point does relying on Google hinder my growth as a programmer?

I'm learning backend development right now (currently working with Node.js and Express.js), and I’ve noticed just how much I rely on Google. There are so many modules, methods, and best practices that it feels impossible to remember everything. I know that Googling is a normal and necessary part of being a developer, but sometimes I wonder: at what point does it become a crutch?

I don’t want to develop an over-reliance where I struggle to recall fundamental concepts, but I also don’t want to waste time trying to brute-force my way through something I could have looked up in seconds. For example, if I forget a built-in Node.js method, should I stop and try to figure it out on my own first, or is it better to just look it up and move on?

For those who have been through this, how do you decide when to search for an answer vs. when to push through and solve it independently? Does struggling with a problem help long-term retention, or is it just unnecessary friction?

Would love to hear how others have balanced this while learning!