Front-end, back-end and my own projects

Hello everyone. I would like to ask for advice on developing as a web developer.

This will be a long message, so thanks to everyone who reads it to the end and gives advice.

I’ve been doing an internship as a frontend developer (I am self-taught) for several months. During the internship, I started learning next js, improved the quality of my code, learned how to work with rest api, learned auxiliary tools (react hook form is just a gift from heaven), and so on. In general, my current skill set looks something like this: html, css, js, react, next js, typescript, tailwindcss, next auth / auth.js and smaller libraries.

Once a guy who manages my internship said something about backend and full-stack (let's call him Bob) and I noted that I can't even imagine how it is possible to know both well at the same time. It is better to concentrate on one thing and develop in this direction. To which Bob said that in their company almost all developers are full-stack. Only a few are either backend or frontend. And the transition to full-stack did not take them a lot of time.

This surprised me, but I still think that it is better to concentrate on one thing and not be someone who knows a little here and there, but does not delve deeply into any area.

Plus, I understand that full-stack is much more profitable for the company in terms of money, but I seriously doubt that full-stack developers get paid working for two people. Therefore, in this regard, I also do not see the point in "breaking my back" and going to full-stack. For now, even the front-end seems huge to me and I want to learn a lot more before I can say that I feel more or less comfortable as a front-end developer.

In addition to this, I started to come across videos on YouTube, in which people talk about how they implement their projects and make money on it. And I became very interested in this.

So here are the questions:

1) In the future, I would really like to do something of my own and develop in this direction, and wouldn't it be better to concentrate on the frontend and learn things like SEO, marketing, UI/UX and similar things that, generally speaking, will help sell the product? It seems to me that even basic knowledge in these and similar areas of knowledge will greatly increase my chances of promoting the product and financial gain.

2) Could knowledge of the backend help in the matter of creating my own projects? I think that it definitely could, but I also understand that learning something new is not fast at all, especially if we are talking about a new direction (backend). Surely there are some ready-made solutions in terms of the backend that I could use when creating my projects, right? So, it is not necessary to know everything and do it yourself (this approach will take a lot of time).

I am still undergoing an internship and still have a lot to learn, but I would like to determine the vector of my development now. Therefore, I would be very grateful for advice. Thank you all.